Microsoft Report Builder 3.0 User Manual

Aug 12, 2015  Im trying to make connect between BI and SQL using this manual (I have Sap bw 7.4 and report builder 3.0) technet.

  1. Report Builder 3.0 Tutorial
  2. Report Builder 3.0 Documentation
  3. Sql Report Builder 3.0
  4. Microsoft Report Builder 3.0
  5. Report Builder 3.0 Download 2012
  • Dec 29, 2017  Install, Uninstall, and Report Builder Support.; 9 minutes to read +3; In this article. Report Builder is a report authoring tool that you use to create, update, and share reports, report parts and shared datasets.
  • Reports is not required. Or in Report Builder 3.0, but you can only search and use it in Report Builder 3.0. Report Builder is a report authoring tool for business users who prefer to work in stand alone environment instead of using Report Designer in the visual studio. For manual collation. Through Microsoft SQL and native reporting options.
  • For more information about the new features in Report Builder 3.0, see What's New in Report Builder 3.0. Getting Assistance. The Release Notes document is available from the Reporting Services section of the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Release Notes download page.

Report Builder is a report authoring tool that you use to create, update, and share reports, report parts and shared datasets. Report Builder is available in two versions: stand-alone and ClickOnce. The stand-alone version is installed on your computer by you or an administrator. The ClickOnce version is installed automatically with SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services (SSRS) and downloaded to your computer from Report Manager or a SharePoint site integrated with Reporting Services.

The stand-alone version of Report Builder is not installed with Reporting Services. You must download and install it separately from the Microsoft速 SQL Server速 2012 Report Builder.


Report Builder cannot be installed on Itanium-based computers. This applies to the ClickOnce and stand-alone versions of Report Builder.

An administrator typically installs and configures Reporting Services, grants permission to use the ClickOnce version of Report Builder, and manages folders and permissions to reports, report parts, and shared datasets saved to the report server. For more information about Reporting Services administration, see Reporting Services Report Server (Native Mode) in SQL Server Books Online on

Installing Report Builder

Report Builder is available as a stand-alone and ClickOnce versions. You or your administrator download and install the stand-alone version on your computer, whereas the ClickOnce version is installed with SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services (SSRS). You can download Report Builder from the Microsoft Download Center.


Report Builder cannot be installed on Itanium 64-based computers. This applies to the ClickOnce and stand-alone versions of Report Builder.

Before you install either version of Report Builder, verify system requirements and install any prerequisites.

System Requirements

Report Builder requires that the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 is installed on the local computer. If the .NET Framework is not installed on the local computer when you install Report Builder, you will be prompted to install it before you can continue and complete the installation.

The .NET Framework 3.5 is free. You can download the .NET Framework 3.5 from the Microsoft Download Center.

You can install Report Builder on any Microsoft Windows operating system that supports the .NET Framework 3.5. For example, you can install Report Builder on Windows Vista or Windows 7.

It is recommended that the computers that will run Report Builder have 512 MB of RAM. However, depending on the complexity of reports you run, you might want less or more RAM.

Installing the Stand-alone Version of Report Builder Directly on Your Computer

You install Report Builder from the download site, Microsoft Download Center, or an administrator makes the ReportBuilder3.msi file, the Windows Installer Package for Report Builder, available on a share from which you can install it.

You can also perform a command line installation and include options such as making the installation silent and writing log files for the installation. The documentation for Windows Installer that runs .msi files provides information about the available options.

For more information, see Install the Stand-Alone Version of Report Builder (Report Builder).

An administrator can also use software such as Microsoft Systems Manager Server (SMS) to push the program to your computer. To learn how to use specific software to install Report Builder, consult the documentation for the software.

Installing the ClickOnce Version of Report Builder on Your Computer

The ClickOnce version of Report Builder is installed with SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services (SSRS). It is installed by both native and SharePoint integrated installations of SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services (SSRS).

ClickOnce is a Microsoft technology for deploying Windows applications. ClickOnce enables users to install and run a Windows application such as Report Builder by clicking a link on a web page. For more information about deploying ClickOnce applications, applying ClickOnce application security, or running ClickOnce applications in the Internet zone, see the 'ClickOnce Deployment for Windows Forms Applications', 'Security in Windows Forms Overview', or 'Trusted Application Deployment Overview' articles on the Microsoft Developer Network Web site at

The ClickOnce version of Report Builder is located on the report server, and installs on your computer when you click the Report Builder button in Report Manager or click the Report Builder Report option on the New Document menu in a SharePoint library.


If the New Document menu does not list the Report Builder Report, Report Builder Model, and Report Data Source options, their content types need to be added to the SharePoint library.

You can open Report Builder from Report Manager or a SharePoint library. For more information about opening Report Builder, see Start Report Builder (Report Builder).

Report Builder 3.0 Tutorial

Report Builder Languages

Report Builder is available in 21 languages in addition to English. When you download the stand-alone version of Report Builder, you select the language version that you want to install. You must repeat the download for each language version that you want to use.

For the ClickOnce version, all language versions are installed on the report server when you install SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services (SSRS). The culture of the user's computer determines which language version is installed on the computer. If the culture does not match an available Report Builder language, the English version is installed.

The following table has information about the available language versions.

1028Chinese (Traditional)zh-TW
1044Norwegian (Bokmal)nb-NO
1046Portuguese (Brazil)pt-BR
2052Chinese (Simplified)zh-CN
2070Portuguese (Portugal)pt-PT
3082Spanish (Spain)es-ES

Uninstalling Report Builder

You can uninstall the stand-alone version of Report Builder from the control panel or the command line. This applies only to the stand-alone version of Report Builder. The ClickOnce of Report Builder cannot be uninstalled separately. It is always installed and uninstalled with Reporting Services.

For more information, see Uninstall the Stand-Alone Version of Report Builder (Report Builder).

Supporting Report Builder

To support report authors, an administrator is responsible for managing folders, reports, and report related items on the report server, grant permission to resources on the report server, and configure the report server for access.

Folders, Reports, and Report Related Items

The following folders, reports, and report related items are managed on the report server:

Report Builder 3.0 Documentation

  • Folders in which you store reports, shared data sources, models and so forth.

  • My Reports, the private folder in which you store your reports and report related items.

  • Shared data sources that enable report authors to use data sources that are stored externally to reports.

  • Shared datasets that can provide ready-to-use queried data to multiple reports for multiple users.

  • Report parts such as tables and charts that enable users to enhance and reuse parts of reports, created by others, in a collaborative environment.

  • Report models that can make it simpler and easier to get data for reports from complex data sources.

  • Images such as background images and logos that might be used in multiple reports and are stored externally from reports for easy maintenance.

For more information, see Report Server Content Management (SSRS Native Mode) in SQL Server Books Online on


The administrator grants permission to the report server. As a Report Builder user, you need permissions to the report server before you can access the content and functionality of the report server. For example, you might want to use report parts stored on the report server, update reports and resave them to the report server, and run reports in Report Manager. Depending on your needs and the tasks you perform, lower or higher permissions might be granted. For example, permissions with lower privileges are granted to users who need only to open shared reports in comparison to users who need to modify a shared report.

When Reporting Services is installed in native mode, an administrator can:

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Sql Report Builder 3.0

  • Enable the My Reports feature to provide you a private folder to create and save your own reports.

  • Use the Report Builder role on public folders to allow you to open a copy of a shared report, and then save a modified version to a private folder.

  • Use the Publisher role to allow you to manage reports and shared data sources in public folders. This role is granted to more experienced users.

When Reporting Services is installed in SharePoint integrated mode, an administrator can:

  • Use the Read permission level, granted to the Visitors group by default, to allow you to open a copy of a report in a public folder, and then save the modified version of the report to a private folder or to your computer.

  • Use the Contribute permission level, granted to the Members groups by default, to allow you to manage reports and shared data sources in public folders. This level of permission is granted to more experienced users.

For general information about permissions and creating and using roles, see the Reporting Services SQL Server Database Engine documentation in SQL Server Books Online on

Configuration of Report Server

When you author reports in Report Builder and connect to an instance of SQL Server that is installed on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or Windows 7, you might encounter an access denied error when you attempt to access the report server to open or save a report. This occurs because the security feature, User Account Control (UAC), in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7 limit the overuse of elevated permissions by removing administrator permissions when accessing applications.

However, with additional configuration the report server is available to Report Builder users. You can add Reporting Services URLs to trusted sites. By default, Internet Explorer 7.0 or later runs in Protected Mode on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7. Protected Mode is a feature that blocks browser requests from reaching high-level processes that run on the same computer. You can disable protected mode for the report server applications by adding them as Trusted Sites. You must have administrator permission to make this change.

For more information about configuring Reporting Services, see Reporting Services Configuration Manager (del) in the Reporting Services documentation on

SQL Server Sample Databases

The Adventure Works family of sample databases provides data that you can use to learn report authoring and write sample reports.

The databases are available in the following versions:

  • Adventure Works OLTP database supports standard online transaction processing scenarios for a fictitious bicycle manufacturer (Adventure Works Cycles). Scenarios include Manufacturing, Sales, Purchasing, Product Management, Contact Management, and Human Resources.

  • The AdventureWorksDW2012 database demonstrates how to build a data warehouse.

  • The Adventure Works DW Multidimensional 2012 project can be used to build an AS database for business intelligence scenarios.

The sample databases are not included with SQL Server 2014 and not installed when you install SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services (SSRS) or the stand-alone version of Report Builder. Instead, you download sample databases from CodePlex. All versions of the sample databases are downloaded together. You can also download earlier database versions that were released with SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, and SQL Server 2008 R2.

For prerequisites and instructions about downloading and installing the SQL Server 2014 sample databases, see Installation Prerequisites for the SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases and Installing Sample Databases on CodePlex.

How-to Topics

This section lists procedures that show you how to install and uninstall Report Builder.

See Also

Microsoft Report Builder 3.0


APPLIES TO: SQL Server 2016 Power BI Report Server

Use the following Report Builder tutorials to learn how to create basic Reporting Services paginated reports.

Prerequisites for Tutorials (Report Builder)
To use these tutorials, you must have read-only access to a SQL Server database and permissions to access a SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services or later (SSRS) report server.

For help with these prerequisites, contact your report server administrator.

Alternative Ways to Get a Data Connection (Report Builder)
Most of these tutorials use embedded data sources. If you have access to shared data sources you can use them instead. This topic provides the steps for using shared data sources.

Tutorial: Creating a Basic Table Report (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to create your first report. This tutorial shows you how to work with Report Builder to create a data source connection, define a simple query, build a layout to contain your data, format your report, and add grouping and totals.

Tutorial: Creating a Matrix Report (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to add and configure a matrix. You will use the Table or Matrix Wizard to create the report data source, dataset, and layout, and then enhance the matrix within the Design view of Report Builder.

Tutorial: Creating a Free Form Report (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to create a free-form report from scratch. This report resembles a newsletter.

Tutorial: Format Text (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn some of the many ways you can format text in your reports.

Tutorial: Add a Column Chart to Your Report (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to add a column chart with a moving average to a report.

Tutorial: Add a Pie Chart to Your Report (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to add a pie chart to a report.

Report Builder 3.0 Download 2012

Tutorial: Add a Bar Chart to Your Report (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to add a bar chart to a report.

Tutorial: Add a Sparkline to Your Report (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to create a matrix and then add a set of sparkline charts to the matrix.

Tutorial: Adding a KPI to Your Report (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to add a key performance indicator (KPI) to a report.

Tutorial: Map Report (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to add a map to a report.

Tutorial: Add a Parameter to Your Report (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to customize the appearance and content of a report by using parameters.

Tutorial: Creating Drillthrough and Main Reports (Report Builder)
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to create reports for a drillthrough scenario based on an Analysis Services cube. You will create the main report and enable it for drillthrough and the report that is the target of the drillthrough action.

Tutorial: Introducing Expressions
Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to use expressions to concatenate, calculate, and lookup field values and show them a report. You will also learn how to conditionally display different images and indicator states using expressions.

Next steps

Report Design View
Report Builder in SQL Server
Tutorial: Create a Quick Chart Report Offline

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